If we look at statistics, it is probable that you will stay in your comfort zone. Most people follow a similar and predictable path. When they try something new, there are typically lots of challenges and setbacks. These tend to discourage another try. Given these probabilities, it is more likely that you will remain in your comfort zone. It’s logical.
Friend, I was lingering there for a long time.
But then I decided to leap out into the lights.
Something that helped me to take that leap, was learning the difference between probability and possibility. I learned this from my mentor and friend, Lisa Linfield, author of Deep Grooves: Overcoming Patterns That Keep You Stuck.
Lisa explained that we tend to get stuck on whether or not something is probable. Is it probable that I will build a thriving business/ create a lasting legacy/ live my creative dream/ travel the world/ achieve a huge goal…? The probability may be low. There may be lots of factors against me. I may not be qualified enough. I may have little experience. I may have started “too late.” I may not have many resources at my disposal. The economy may be shot to the ground. And so on and so forth.
However, if one human somewhere, sometime has done this, then it is possible. Then it is a fact that it can be done. As long as there is a possibility, I can figure out a way to make it happen.
I dare you not to be inspired by the story of Kennedy Gihana. Having been labelled a traitor in his homeland of Rwanda, he set out one morning in 1998 with his rubber-tyre sandals on to walk 6000km by himself to South Africa. “It was African Ubuntu that helped me stay alive along the way.” Was it probable that he’d get to South Africa and make a new life for himself? No! Was it possible? Yes!
Drum Magazine reports: ‘It took him six months but at last he arrived in Johannesburg. Only to discover that that’s where his real journey began. With hardly any money to his name, he was forced to sleep on the streets. Then came a series of poorly paid jobs and an uphill battle with home affairs to acquire refugee status. But throughout it all, Kennedy refused to give up. Having risked everything to get here, he wasn’t going to allow red tape or anyone to stand in his way. More than two decades on, he’s a successful human rights lawyer with his own firm – living proof of what can be achieved with a bit of guts and determination.’ Read more in this article or dive deep into his story in Jacque Pauw's excellent book Rat Roads: One Man's Extraordinary Journey.
Kennedy hopes his story will inspire, not only refugees, but also South Africans. He says, “If I could do it, what would stop a citizen of this beautiful country? You can’t tell me that with your official South African ID you cannot touch the sky.”
Your Reticular Activating System seeks out opportunities to fulfil what your subconscious is focussed on. So, take control of what your subconscious is focussing on. Your goal needs to seep into your subconscious. The more clearly you can imagine that goal, as a mental movie that you replay in your head, the more you will be training your conscious and your subconscious to work together to get to where you want to be.
People do incredible things.
Reimagine what is possible for you.
Cover photo by Monica Silvestre from Pexels
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