What We Do

 Creative Thinking for Innovation  

A creative workforce is
more productive,
more resilient,
more collaborative,
more engaged.

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How We Work

We're seeing many organisations in need of developing creativity and innovation. It all starts with a shift in mindset - an understanding of what creative intelligence is, the importance of creativity in the workplace and how the neuroscience behind our creativity  works. It's important for senior leadership to understand these concepts so that they are not only ready to support creative growth, but also to role model it themselves. Since the Human Resources function is tasked with managing (not owing) the levers behind corporate culture, it's vital that this group is empowered and equipped with the mindset and skillset to drive this culture transformation together with senior leadership. 

Choose Your Journey

Signature Programmes

Creativity for Business Online Masterclass Creativity Wake-Up in partnership with GIBS

Creativity for Business

Online Masterclass in Partnership with GIBS

Boost your creative intelligence to get unstuck and become a more agile, resilient and inventive thinker.

This masterclass takes between five and eight hours to complete. Delegates will receive access to the platform for two months and can complete the class at their own pace. On completion, delegates will receive a certificate of attendance from Africa’s leading business school, GIBS Gordon Institute of Business Science, and a digital credential to use on their LinkedIn profile.

Apply here
Creative Thinking for Innovation

Creative Thinking for Innovation

Build resilience and thrive in these fast changing times by developing your creative thinking

This program consists of several modules that are delivered in a time-frame and format that suites your organisation.

We offer optional coaching and an online Growth Program following the course, to broaden and embed learning.

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Leverage Your Creative Intelligence in Law

Leverage Your Creative Intelligence in Law

An action-packed program open to future-thinkers and change makers across the legal industry 

For ambitious law firm partners, lawyers, in-house counsel, legal tech, business development and HR professionals who want to become change-ready and unleash their full potential. Online cohort course

  • 4-week duration
  • 2-3 hours/week
  • Includes your Creative IDTM
Register your interest

We offer a range of workshops, retreats and team builds. We love a challenge! Chat to us about designing an engaging, powerful session for you and your team.

View the Results of our Courses

On-demand courses

5 Day Creative Wake-Up

5 Day Creative Wake-Up

Five 30min video lessons over five days.

Revive your creative intelligence and get fit for the future, even if you don't believe you are creative!

This course takes you through our tried-and-tested process of reviving creative thinking. You'll uncover what you really believe about creativity and how much you are currently using it. You'll find out what could be stifling your creativity. You will learn how to nourish your creativity and how to put it into action.

Enrol now
Kathy Coleman

Kickstart your Creativity

Develop your creative intelligence and equip yourself to imagine future possibilities.

Join us for three fast-paced, action-packed online lesson addressing how your creativity works and how you can develop it.

  • Three compact 30 minute lessons.
  • Test your creativity!
  • Get our step-by-step process and some practical tools.
Enrol now
Leverage Your Creative Intelligence in Law

Creative Note Taking with Mind Maps

Accelerate your ability to think, evaluate, plan, collaborate, innovate and learn at work and at home!

  • Save time. Remember and understand more!
  • Learn the skill of Creative Note Taking in five short video lessons.
  • Included in the course are downloads for optional exercises and a summary.
Enrol now


Popular Topics

From Imposter Syndrome to Creative Confidence

Feel like self doubt is getting you down lately? You're not alone! Nearly two-thirds of knowledge workers experience this. The creativity revolution is rising, so we are here to help you build the creative confidence you need to truly thrive. 

Humour Ignites Creativity 

Are you able to see the lighter side of things and laugh at yourself when you mess up or do you take yourself and life pretty seriously? Humour is an important creative mindset. Intentionally develop your lighter side and see your creativity take flight.

How to Activate Your Creative Brain

This is a really fun, unique and interactive keynote to stimulate idle, ailing or dormant creativity. You’ll learn to apply ideas and tools to develop more powerful creative thinking. You’ll leave with practical steps for your creative growth.

Creativity Olympics

We love the Olympic Games, as people from all over the globe become united by the joy of sports and the thrill of competition. This keynote captures the spirit of the Olympics as participants engage in creative thinking exercises, games and challenges. It will lighten your spirits and bring you some fresh energy and perspective. 

What people are saying

Kathy Colman

Partner, Head of Knowledge & Innovation | Webber Wentzel in partnership with Linklaters

"This experience was completely different to the typical training that we would attend in a law firm environment and that in itself was exciting and different. I came away with something that enriched me as an individual as well as advancing the cause of innovation and creativity within the firm."

Watch Video Testimonial
Ann Baret

Ann Baret

CEO, High Performing Teams, International Executive Business Coach | Team Dynamics Consulting

"In all my years of working as a business consultant, I have never seen a programme which had such a positive and profound impact on an organization. We were anticipating the business growth following the programme. We did not anticipate the positive mindset shifts and the way the teams are operating in a more interconnect way."


Lucia Quy

Graham Hughes

Co-Founder | Biggerplate, United Kingdom 

"Celia and Nina’s keynote was a wonderful exploration of creativity. It was so inspiring and engaging. Thanks so much."

 “Wow, brilliant content, beautifully executed, thank you so much for all the work you put into getting it pitch perfect.”

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