Creative Caffeine

A dose of creativity stimulation

 to ignite fresh thinking

I am just not creative!


Do you daydream? Do you remember with pleasure special times with friends or great sporting moments? Do you have sexual fantasies? Do you mix and match items, colours and accessories when you buy clothes to create your own style? Do you like different kinds of music? Do you have books at home you’d love to read but haven't gotten to yet?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes or even tends towards yes, then you ARE creative. What you believe about your creativity is more important than you may realise.

“If you fight hard enough for your limitations, you to get to keep them.” These are the words of Jim Kwik, world expert in optimal brain performance and a favourite teacher of mine. Are you fighting for this limitation that so many people hang on to? Have you said or thought, ‘I don’t have a creative bone in my body’ or ‘I’m just not creative’?

If you have, please think of the possible implications. This is a self-limiting...

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Are you ready?

first steps Jan 23, 2020

The new decade is advancing swiftly along and here we are Marching into month three already! If you haven’t taken any steps yet to develop, or even to investigate, your creativity, today is a good day to start. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. One of my favourite sayings goes: The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago; the next best time is now.

A huge breakthrough for me in developing my creative intelligence has been getting over that first step. As a business science graduate who started out in banking and finance, I had misguided, old ideas about creativity belonging to artists. I also had a lack of understanding – no let’s just call it what it is… ignorance – about how malleable and changeable my brain and my thinking really is. Dr Caroline Leaf’s work (in particular, her book 'Think, Learn, Succeed') created a seismic shift for me in this regard. When I finally ‘got it’ that at a neurological level, we...

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A simple tool to help you think more creatively

intrapreneur Oct 09, 2019

I expect, because you are reading this, that you are curious about your creativity. You've probably read quite a lot about it lately. This is fantastic and is an important step towards reshaping your brain for faster, more fluent and more original creative thinking. However, in the same way that reading about tennis will only get you so far on the court, you need to put your creative thinking into practice to truly develop it.

 According to a Harvard University study, innovative people spend 50% more time being INTENTIONAL about thinking differently.

 Here's a simple tool that I love from educator and speaker Dr Irena Yashin-Shaw, author of 'Intrapreneur' and 'Leading in the Innovation Age'. She calls it her BODS tool (to help us all become creative BODS!)

 The tool comprises four questions using the acronym BODS, which stand for: better, other, different and simple. Ask yourself these questions:

  • BETTER: is there a better way of doing this?
  • OTHER: how...
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Waking up my creative thinking. Step one.

What is it about the first step that can make a new endeavour so hard? Even unachievable.  The stony silence of the blank page. The indeterminable dread of the empty spreadsheet. The mysterious darkness beyond the lighted path. Your mind grappling with where to place your foot: How? When? Where? Should I? Can I?

I am experiencing this first-step fright as I undertake simultaneously to begin a journey to develop my creativity, whilst at the same time developing learning to help others do the same. Two wise people recently said to me, on two separate occasions, “Stop going on courses and trying to get more qualified, you banana*! <my addition*>  You have everything inside of you that you need. Just start.” (You know who you are @TanyaVanderWaal and @LisaLinfield.) It was just the kick in the pants I needed.  

So here goes.

I have this weird sense that my whole life has been a slow process of waking up. I love waking up. Let me clarify. I love waking up...

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Working Women's Wealth Podcast Interview

podcasts and playlists Mar 16, 2019

Nina Pearse was recently interviewed by Lisa Linfield for the Working Women’s Wealth Podcast.  Lisa has an impressive goal to teach 1 million women about money.  She speaks to companies, women’s groups and entrepreneurs about how to lead their best life possible by reaching their financial goals.

Lisa Linfield: Thanks for joining us, Nina.  You have a fantastic story about finding your passion and purpose and stepping into a future with so much potential.  Tell us a little bit about your journey.

Nina Pearse: I started out in finance and accounting.  I worked in banking for a while and then quickly realized that I didn’t want any of those jobs for myself. I moved into what I loved as a child. I would often looked up at a teacher and thought that was what I’d like to do.  I decided not to go into school teaching but into adult learning and development. I’ve now worked in that field for about twenty years.  I started out...

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